Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Alahai~ Terpanah kepala member?

Video ni aku dapat dari Syakir Wahid, dikongsi melalui facebook Alahai~. So aku just kongsi ngan korang semua je. Aku rase ni FAKE je. Just untuk persembahan diorang dalam 'Talent show' tu. Tak tau la macam mana diorang buat, tapi memang gempak la sebab nampak macam REAL.,(jangan-jangan memang real pon)

So ape lagi. Layan~.......

REAL or FAKE?? misteri~

p/s: kepada yang berminat untuk kongsi apa-apa info yang best, sila post di Alahai~


Abdullah Ammar Al-imarah said...

One good clue that it's fake: they supposedly try with a remarkably small apple first, then the camera zooms in to a can, which they then use as replacement. Clearly who filmed knew he would pick it. Can you feel the joke coming?

There's also something with the actual shot with the guy falling down which doesn't look right. Besides, if they had expected the stunt to succeed they would surely have filmed him in closeup.

wallahualam.. =)

hyemynameisrasyid said...

@Abdullah Ammar
hehe.,nice prediction^^
but taktau mana satu yg betol.,tp kalau betol2 terpanah kepala kompom darah memancut2 kluar.,^^

Anonymous said...

fariz: mcm btol je, klau nk darah mancut kluar tu mungkin effect khas dari movie je

hyemynameisrasyid said...

ntah.,ni fake ni rsenya.,rilek je.,xde darah kn.,

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